Monday 5 June 2017

Big write of the Month - May 2017

Congratulations to our Big writers of the Month!

Year 1 - Tilly - For trying to include all parts of the success criteria.

Year 2 - Samira - For outstanding improvement in her writing.

Year 3AK - Laura - For using fronted adverbials and powerful adjectives in her story.

Year 3NL - Akiam - For excellent use of poetic techniques in her poem. Also listening to advise and practising at home.

Year 4DK - Olivia - For meeting her writing target by using descriptive phrases.

Year 4MS - Leo - For checking his work through to ensure he had used the correct punctuation.

Year 5 - Harvey- Joe - For a detailed and cohesive story.

Year 6 - Olyainka - For a powerful piece of descriptive writing.


Keep up the excellent writing.