Monday, 20 April 2015

Yr 3 Ancient Greeks Drama Workshop

The Ancient Greek Workshop with Year 3

On Monday the 20th of April Year Three had the opportunity to work with Devra from the Perform Theatre Group. Devra used drama to teach the class about certain aspects of life in ancient Greece.

 We began the workshop with a couple of warming up exercises. The first was Chinese whispers, where it didn't take long for us to loose the original message about the God Bacchus. We then worked with a partner joining different parts of our bodies, getting used to listening and working as part of a group.
Devra then got us to act out different scenes from the Greek myths and then freeze frame giving the rest of the class the opportunity to ask questions of the group and look at how their expressions and bodies were able to give us information about what was happening in the story.

In the Spartan group, They enacted the story of Zeus the God of Thunder and Lightening chastising all the other lesser Gods for not obeying him, they cower in terror at his feet.
Here Hercules slays the dreaded ten thousand headed monster called Hydra. Hydra lies dead at Hercules feet as he points his bow and arrow.
Devra then discussed with the children how ancient Greece was seen as the home of our modern civilizations. Forming the first democracy. However women and slaves did not have the right to vote and had very restricted lives. The children took on the roles of different ancient Greek citizens and discussed how life was for them.                                       

Finally she taught us a rap to help us remember all the points we had discussed during the workshop. Year 3 had a great time and we would like to thank the Perform Theatre Group for all of their work.