Wednesday 4 November 2020

3RS Jurassic Park Adventure!


3RS have been working extremely hard with their Jurassic Park creations! 

So much so..... they have been sent off to Hollywood superstars Chris Pratt and Steven Spielberg who were both involved in the remakes (and for Spielberg's case the originals) of the Jurassic World franchise! 

The children were investigating prehistoric times and we got incredibly interested in dinosaurs! The children could discuss lots of information about different types of dinosaurs and were creative enough to create their own dinosaur!

But their next challenge was were could their dinosaur live- to them the answer was simple; create a habitat fit for their dinosaur, add some details and bingo! Our Jurassic Park adventure was born! Once bound they are being sent off to Hollywood via Royal Mail!


I am optimistic of a reply from Hollywood! But understand that there is some other important things going on in the world. But the children know their work is being sent to Hollywood and I am immensely proud of them. There was a slight delay in the book being bound and sent- there was so much good work I needed to hunt for bigger spins so I could fit all the incredible work in! 

Once again, I must say I am incredibly proud of all the children and their hard work. An example below is just a snippet of what fantastic work is being sent to Hollywood!

Well done 3RS!

From Miss Smith