Thursday, 24 March 2016

Year 2S - Easter Bonnets

We had some amazing Easter Bonnets in year 2 today.


Well done to our class winners... Oliver and Daisy-May!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Year 2S - Science Day

As part of National Science week along with the rest of the school, year 2 took part in a science day. They visited six different classrooms and completed a range of science experiments.

 Here are some pictures of activities that year 2 took part in during the day.


Here is a video of the balloon popping experiment - Miss Staples got a little bit scared!

The children were asked to describe the day in one word, here are some of their responses...

Lexi - Awesome

Saule - Adventurous

Bethan - Scientific 

Thiago - Exciting

Mia - Magnificent

Eddy - Shocking

Oliver - Spectacular

Thank you Mr Morell for organising such a wonderful day!

From Miss Staples and 2S

Year 2S - Topic - Walking on the moon

In Year 2 we have been learning all about explorers. As we are learning about the famous explorer Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon we decided to see what it was like to walk on the moon ourselves. We dressed up as astronauts and walked on our very own moon. We also made posters about Neil Armstrong and made textured moon pictures as an art project.

Here are some pictures and videos of the learning we did.


Can you see the textured moon we made as a class on our display.




Spider Spellings

Spider Spellings is a spelling challenge to learn words from the National Curriculum in a fun and exciting way. This is a new whole school initiative designed to support pupils with their learning.  In total there are 12 awards for pupils to work through.

All children will be tested on Monday 11th April 2016. You should receive the sheet of the reward you are on this week to practice over the Easter holidays.

To entire award has been uploaded to our school website. Please follow the link below.

If there are any questions do not hesitate to ask your class teacher or myself.

Happy spelling!!

Miss Staples

Science Day - King Kong's Hand!

In 3AK's class, we made King Kong's hand by mixing acetic acid (vinegar) with bicarbonate of soda (baking powder)! Plus we had monstrous fun!