Friday 11 December 2015

Primary League Tables - Well done Suttons!

Dear Parents & Carers,

I wanted to take this opportunity to write to you and share our exciting news with you all.

As lots of you will know, primary school league tables were released yesterday and published via the Evening Standard – see attached for Havering schools.  You can also access the DfE Performance Tables via the school website – Learning/Assessment tabs.

As a school we have continued year on year to improve our results. This year, based on these tables, Suttons Primary was the fifth (5th) highest performing school in Havering last year for pupils achieving Level 4 and above in all three areas of Reading, Writing and Maths.  In fact only one of our children (equalling 3%) did not achieve this in Mathematics by only a couple of marks.  Had this  happened we would have been 2nd in Havering, only slightly behind our nearest neighbours Scotts Primary.

As a school we are very proud of the achievements our pupils have made, which is only possible through good quality teaching and good quality learning opportunities.

Other key headlines which might interest you:
  • KS2 value added progress (Yr2 – Y6 progress) was above expected national levels in all subjects.
  • 5 out of 6 disadvantaged pupils made and exceeded expected national progress in reading, writing & maths.
  • Disadvantaged pupils had an average point score well above the national score for writing.
  • The proportion of KS2 pupils, who attained at least a Level 4, was well above national figures for reading, writing & maths.
  • The proportion of KS2 pupils, who attained at least a Level 5 was well above national figures for reading and maths and significantly above for writing.
  • The proportion of KS1 pupils that attained, at least a Level 2B, was well above national figures in reading, writing & significantly above in mathematics.
  • The proportion of KS1 pupils attaining a Level 3 or above was significantly above national figures in reading, writing and maths.
  • The proportion of Year 1 pupils that exceeded the expected standard was significantly above national figures.