Mrs Blake is leading a
project on ‘Behaviour and Anti-Bullying.’
Over the past two terms
we have involved with Lesley, from the BYT drama group; she’s focused on
leading sessions to help us ‘respect and get along with one another.’ As years two and four missed these sessions,
Lesley will be back into school on Monday
25th November to work with them.
Part of this project
involves us developing a ‘Suttons
Primary School Anti-Bullying Charter’. We’ll begin by writing our own
definition of what bullying means to us, and then each class will add a
statement/piece of advice on how to deal with bullying. We’re publishing some
‘Living Posters’, which will show photographs of children in our school who
exemplify our ethos of ‘working well together’.
These posters will be on display by the end of the month.
Part of the project
will be led by Louise O’Connor, a specialist from the Behaviour Support
Service. On Wednesday 20th November she will lead a practical
session with some children so she can survey how they feel about ‘unfriendly
behaviour’. We are very keen to listen
to parents’ views and would like to encourage you to come along to an Anti-Bullying Parents’ Forum led by
Louise on Wednesday 20th
November between 2 and 3pm in the school hall. We are keen to hear your views.
We hope that by
listening to parents, pupils and staff we can help to continue to promote
respect, friendship and teamwork across the school.