Friday 12 July 2019

School council meeting with Mr. Bailey

18/6/19 Mr. Bailey Meeting
In school council, we had a meeting with Mr. Bailey so we can make our school better and to tell him some of our ideas.
For our KS2 playground, we asked if the equipment can be fixed so we can play on it again. Mr Bailey said it would be fixed in the summer holidays so it will be ready for September. We also asked if we could have a pond where the ditch is, he said that the ditch is a drain and then asked the school council to think of ways to make it look nicer. We asked about a daily mile track to be put in and he said they already have plans to put one in.
Mr Bailey asked us to also think about how to make the KS1 playground better.
We also talked about making the school better at recycling to help the environment and to have recycling bins in each class. Mr Bailey said that the teachers have been talking about how we can cut down on waste and that it was a really good idea.
We said to make sure all the children to know that all the equipment needs to be looked after because if it breaks, we don’t have it anymore to use or play with. Mr. Bailey says that is very important around the whole school and that we need to let everyone know to take care of everything.
The school council also asked if during lunch, the tables could have labels for each class and that they are not moved tables while eating their lunch. Mr Bailey said that the hall needs to be cleaned by 1 o’clock so closing a table at a time saves time at the end, but he can talk to the midday's about not moving people as much.
To finish Mr. Bailey asked all the school council to think about where in the school or playground there are unsafe areas or the safe areas around the school
This blog was written by school council members:

Lucas and Lissie (2DK)