Yesterday, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale visited year 2 (after a very long and tiring evening looking after the soldiers, by candlelight, at Scutari hospital)...
They came with news that the soldiers were dying due to the poor conditions!
Year 2 decided to help the two ladies nurse the soldiers back to health.
First, they designed their blankets in DT lessons, ensuring they were symmetrical.
Then they used felt to create their patchworks
Next, Mary Seacole set them the challenge of researching which herbs would be the best to cure the soldiers of their ailments.

The children then used all of their capacity maths knowledge to create a special medicine to cure the soldiers of their deadly diseases.

However, some soldiers were not so keen to drink their medicine!

The children then visited Scutari hospital to look after the soldiers.
When they arrived it was dirty and unkempt so they set about tidying and cleaning.

They also made sure they washed their hands before the dressed the soldiers wounds.

We also compared the similarities and differences of Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale, both important and influential ladies of this era.
The children were very impressed by all that Florence had achieved and completed a Timeline of all her significant achievements

At the end of the day, we had a quiz to see just how much we learnt.
The day finally ended with a fabulous presentation of all of the hard work children had completed within the classroom and at home.

Thank you to all of the parents support this term - we hope you and the children have enjoyed learning about Florence and Mary as much as we have?!