Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Year 6 Road Safety Assembly

Thanks to the Riot Act Theatre Group, Year 6 this morning found themselves investigating a crime scene…

There had been an ‘accident’ scene set up in the Hall, and Year 6 spoke to the people involved, witnesses and paramedics.

We were able to work out that the child ‘injured’ in the scene had caused the accident by not behaving safely.


We learned that in order to cross the road safely, it is important to:

- cross at a proper crossing (a pelican crossing, a zebra crossing, an island crossing or at traffic lights)

- stop before crossing

- look right first, before crossing, as cars will approach from that direction first

- look both ways before crossing

- ensure you are not distracted (by your phone, your friends, etc)

- listen when crossing, so that you can hear approaching vehicles.


Thank you to the Riot Act Theatre Group for entertaining and educating us!