Some photos taken Thursday 22nd December 2016
Thursday, 22 December 2016
School moves on.......
With 82 years of education coming to an end in one building don't feel sad but instead be excited about the new beginning that is being created for our school in the new building.....
Suttons is a TOP School - It's official!
Suttons continues to celebrate its results for 2016. Results have recently been published showing how well our pupils achieved in 2016.
Key facts
about our progress and attainment:
- Suttons came 224th out of
16,298 schools nationally.
This placed us within the top 1.5% of schools in the country. - Suttons featured in the top 1000 schools listed in the Telegraph. Suttons was placed 224th based on the number of pupils at KS2 achieving expected standards in reading, writing & maths combined and then the amount of pupils achieving more than National expectations.
- Only 53% of schools in the country achieved National expectations.
- Our results have continued to improve year on year and clearly show an upward trajectory.
- Suttons is the 2nd
best performing school in Havering for 2016.
Outperforming all but one school judged outstanding by Ofsted.
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Carol Concert with Havering Singers
On Saturday evening 17th December, our choir sang at St Michael's Church, Gidea Park.
This is the third time we have been invited back to sing with the Havering Singers,
which is a local choir of adults, conducted by Keith Motson.
We sang two songs by ourselves, and two more complicated pieces with the Havering singers.
We sang beautifully and had a great time!
If you would like to join the choir, come along to weekly rehearsals on Thursday lunchtimes
with Mrs Dowler and Mrs Hind.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Topic - Year 2 - What was our school like 100 years ago?
In our topic this year we have been learning our the past.
This week we have been learning about what Suttons Primary was like in the past. We received a letter for a pupil who was at the school over 70 years ago. He told us that the school was called Suttons Lane Primary. He said there was a late monitor, that the uniform was brown and that you had to go home for your lunch!
Today we participated in an old fashioned lesson. We were given some old fashioned names and had a new teacher called Mistress Staples. Mistress Staples was very strict. We had to recite the Alphabet, not talk and sit up straight.
After our old fashioned lesson we decided to visit our new school to see what our future school will be like. We visited our new classroom and are very excited to move in!!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016
A Miracle in Town - KS1 Nativity
Today the children in KS1 performed 'A Miracle in Town' to the rest of the school!
We are looking forward to performing to our parents tomorrow.
Performances are at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to this.
Please make sure the children are back in school between 5.30 and 5.45 for the evening performance.
Reading road - New books for year 4!
Last academic year, class 3AK moved around the reading road the most times as a class. As a result they won £50 to spend on books for their reading corner.
Year 4 selected books that they would like to read and they have now arrived.
Enjoy reading your new books Year 4!
Have you been around the reading road yet?
Read 5 times at home and get your diary signed to move around each station. Move around the whole road to receive a bookmark or book!
Miss Staples
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Christmas Pen pals - Year 5
Today in our French lesson, pupils wrote festive greetings to their new pen pals in Belgium.
They are the same age as us, but they are in Year 4 in their school.
This is because children start school a year later where they live.
We're sure the pupils at the Ecole Communale de St Pierre
will enjoy getting cards all the way from England.
We look forward to receiving cards from them in January.
Madame Dowler, French Teacher.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
3AK - Stone Age Dwellings!
Monday, 5 December 2016
Year 3 - PE - Tennis!
As part of our staff CPD, we had a tennis specialist come and give us some exciting ideas about how to teach tennis even better!
KS2 PE- Sportshall Athletics
Last week, 40 children from Years 3 - 6, represented us at the annual Havering Sportshall Athletics events, here are some of the action pictures! Sorry they are so blurry, we were moving so quickly!
Friday, 2 December 2016
Big Write of the Month - November 2016
Congratulations to all our big writers for the month of November!
Year 1 - James
Year 2 - Isaac
Year 3NL - Ben
Year 3AK - Jayden
Year 4 DK - Daniel B
Year 4MS - Zaid
Year 5 - Millie Webb
Year 6 - Sachi
What fantastic writing!
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
1HM/SM: Help. It’s raining and I have a hole in my umbrella!
Last week Year 1 carried out an investigation to find out
which material would be best to fix Miss House’s umbrella. In groups the
children made predictions about which materials would be most suitable before
devising simple tests to answer the question.
At the end of the day, Miss House kindly went outside, with her fixed
umbrella, in the pouring rain to see if the children were correct. Good news!
With the bubble wrap patch covering the hole, Miss House stayed dry!
Book Buddies 1HM/SM and 3NL
Book Buddies: 1HM/SM and 3NL
Over the last half term, Year 1 and 3 have buddied up to
read together. Year 3 are doing an
excellent job of helping the children in Year 1 to learn to read and are also
modelling their own super reading skills such as using intonation and
Well done and keep up the hard work!
Monday, 28 November 2016
3AK - Waltham Abbey - Stone Age Walk
As part of our Early Britons topic we visited, the wonderful Waltham Abbey where we identified different species of plants; made fire; drew some cave paintings and even looked at animal bones! Thank you to all out adult helpers, who made our day even more memorable!
Friday, 25 November 2016
Year 2 - Literacy and Language - Underwater Kennings
Over the last couple of weeks children have been learning about kenning Poems.
This week children created their own amazing Kenning Poems about an underwater sea creature and then performed them.
Can you identify the poetic feature in their poems?
Can you identify the performance techniques they have used?
What fantastic poetry performances!
Year 2 - Topic - What can we find out about the past from our grandparents?
Our topic this term is 'What were the people in Hornchurch like 100 years ago?'
We were lucky to have Miss Staples' nan visit us to tell us about the past. We learnt a lot of interesting things. For example the milk man brought the milk on his horse and cart. The playground was on the roof. The toilet was outside and the bath was in the kitchen! Also at Christmas you only got one gift, an apple and orange! We were shocked!
As part of their homework children were asked to see what they could find out about the past from their grandparents. Some made some excellent posters and found out lots of interesting information!
Daniel found out from his nan that she went to a school with only 3 classes and 3 teachers!
What fantastic projects!
Primary netball league 2016 -Suttons V Towers Juniors
On Tuesday Suttons netball team visited Towers Juniors for their first netball league fixture.
Children have been working extremely hard in training and were able to put what they have learnt into practise.
All the children played exceptionally well. We had some outstanding defending from Wumi, Rocco and Donna. And some super shooting from Ruby, Megan and Lexi RT. Reece, Lucy and Henry worked tirelessly to feed to defend and feed the ball into the circle. All the team worked extremely well together and we were very proud of them!
The final score was an amazing 13 - 4 win to Suttons!
Congratulations to all the team:
Ruby (yr6), Lucy (yr6), Wumi (yr6), Donna (yr6), Megan (yr6), Reece (yr6), Rocco (yr6), Henry (yr6), Lexi RT (yr5).
We are looking forward to our next league match again Hylands in a couple of weeks!
Miss Staples and Mrs Lacey
Miss Staples and Mrs Lacey
Monday, 21 November 2016
Monday, 14 November 2016
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
4MS- Maths
In Maths, we were estimating and measuring different items around the classroom using a ruler. We then converted the measurements from centimetres into millimetres and metres.
- Miss Shah
Monday, 7 November 2016
4MS- Science
Year 4 have been learning about the states of matter and towards the unit of the unit, we focused on water in the three states of matter. We learned about Evaporation and took part in an investigation. We wanted to test whether the location of a wet cloth will affect the rate at which the cloth dries. The same type of fabric was soaked and then placed at different parts of the classroom. We discussed how we could ensure our investigation was a fair test. For example, all the fabrics had to weigh the same when soaked before starting the investigation.
However, we also discussed other factors that could affect the results. For example, how the cloth was placed (scrunched or spread out) and if we were to repeat the experiment, what would we do the same and different.
We discussed what Evaporation is and as it was a rainy day, we focused on one puddle in the playground and observed what happened to the puddle throughout the day. Where did the puddle go?
Which cloth do you think dried the quickest? Why?
The fabrics at their different locations!
The outline of our puddle- 'disappeared!'
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Year 1 - Our trip to the new school building
As part of our topic on Materials, Year 1 was given an
exciting tour around parts of the new school building by Heather and Sam. We were
learning about which materials are
being used to build our new school and why.
After the tour Heather and Sam taught
the children about safety on a building site; possible dangers, safety
equipment, the protective clothes operators wear and also about different types
of machinery that might be spotted on one. During the presentation Year 1 demonstrated
excellent listening skills and Heather and Sam were impressed by not only the
questions asked, but also the knowledge of some of our pupils who have family
members in construction!
We can’t wait to move into our
new school building and would like to say a big thank you to Heather and Sam for
the tour.
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A bright and eager bunch of
young scientists!
Can you estimate how many bricks were used in the new building? Ask a Year 1 to tell you the answer!
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
4MS- R.E
In R.E, Year 4 have been learning about the religion of Judaism. We discussed the Ten Commandments and the importance of the Commandants to the Jews. However, is there one Commandant that's more important than all the others? Year 4 discussed the question which resulted in some interesting responses!
4MS- Art
To celebrate Halloween, Year 4 drew several Halloween themed pictures. However, not with pencil... With candle wax! We then painted over the candle wax pictures with watercolour. Year 4 were certainly spooked by the result...
4MS- Literacy
To end our Literacy Unit on Information Texts, Year 4 had to design their own informative poster illustrating a new product. The children were given a brief that they had to follow and in groups they designed and presented their product.
The children had to ensure that their poster included the features of an Information Text as well as making their presentation engaging for the audience!
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Suttons Football Team vs Squirrels Heath
Just before the half-term holidays, we played a football match versus Squirrels Heath, unfortunately we lost 7-2, but in the second half Ronnie and Rocco scored two fabulous goals.
Monday, 31 October 2016
3AK - Margaret Godfrey Inspired Volcanic Art. It's HOT stuff!
In art we created some volcanic collage pictures. We were inspired by the wonderful artwork of Margaret Godfrey!
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
3AK - Maths - Nets!
Today, we used polydron to investigate how different nets make different 3D shapes. Do you the know difference between a pyramid and a prism?
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